» PDF Past Storm and Fire edition by Christy Nicholas Romance eBooks
Calvin Pennington on Monday, May 20, 2019
PDF Past Storm and Fire edition by Christy Nicholas Romance eBooks

Product details - File Size 680 KB
- Print Length 453 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 0979819725
- Publisher Christy Nicholas; 1 edition (April 15, 2019)
- Publication Date April 15, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Past Storm and Fire edition by Christy Nicholas Romance eBooks Reviews
- Past Storm and Fire
By Christy Nicholas
5 out of 5 stars
The story Past Storm and Fire by Christy Nicholas is a wonderful book to read. It drew me in from the very beginning and I found myself not wanting to put it down until I had finished the last page. I loved reading about the character of Val. She is a woman who is responsible. Her life is not going the way that she had hoped and is inspired to writing a romance novel set in Iceland. The novel opens up a world which she can escape to. What will happen when the lines between her writing and her real life begin to cross? What does the future hold for Val? Read this book to find out. I also loved reading about the character of Vigdis that Val creates. She is a hard-worker, independent, and strong. I liked that so much detail is given to the story. I felt like I was right there with the characters. This is also a book that is emotional and mine went up and down. I grew to care about Val and Vigdis with each chapter that I read. Don’t miss out on a journey that had me thinking about it even after I had finished the book. Recommended reading. - I've read and enjoyed this author's "Druid's Brooch" series so I blindly went into PAST STORM AND FIRE based on her name alone. I wasn't sure that I could write anything about this book without writing spoilers so I went back and looked at the blurb. OHHHH NOW it makes sense.
This book is told in past and present tense, dream and reality, and has a story within the story. It's a complex tale that at times I had a hard time following. The historical portion of the story appears to have been well researched. There are certain situations that are written in the story that serve as background for why the protagonist is the way she is. At times I liked her and other times I felt like she was just so passive in what she wanted. Then I would warm up to her again.
There is a common arch that ties all of the parts of the story together. It took me a little bit to get into the rhythm of it because I wasn't quite sure what was going on. It has a very clear beginning, middle, and end and while it is not my favorite by this author, I did find it enjoyable. - Past Storm and Fire by Christy Nicholas was an original, engaging detail read, that had me hooked.
Not my first read by this author, so I new going in that this book was going to be something otherworldly and fantastical. And I was not disappointed. This book was hooking right from the start. Opening with that storm, it not only set the stage for the mood, but it showed us right away the cracks in Val's and Karl's marriage. It was a heavy hitter from there, and once that fantasy plot got underway, there was no turning back for me. I loved the play on fact or fiction, and the way the author had Val escape into her writing. It was a unique twist and it made this story stand out.
Overall this book gets my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval.
Happy Reading
-E.A. Walsh - Past Storm and Fire
By Christy Nicholas
5 stars
Past Storm and Fire was a fantastic and exciting 5 star read by Christy Nicholas and I story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. The level of detail that the author put into the story was just amazing; I was completely captivated by what I was reading. I could tell that the author really had taken the time to research what she writing about and this made a he difference to me as a reader. I have read quite a few books by this author now and I have to say I think that this one is definitely my favourite so far, it was just one of those stories that you find really difficult to put down. I loved the main character Val, she was such a strong person and I really felt like I was living her journey with her.
A fantastic 5 star read that I highly recommend! - Past Storm and Fire is a story by Christy Nicholas and I am sure that it will great like her other stories. I was not disappointed. Nicholas writes in a way that grips you in a way like you are in a spider web and do not even realize it. The way she can start the story with Hurricane Andrew and take you back to historic Iceland is mind blowing. Val is the main female character and she is living with Karl, her husband but is she truly happy. She has visions that take her to Iceland. There is another story that is brought to her in visions. As the story grows so does the love I have for Val and Vigdis. Who is Vigdis and what is his role? You will have to read this story and fall in love yourself.
- I found this book enjoyable and hard to put down as it also made me feel as if I was part of the story. It is well written and the author’s attention to detail especially the historical parts are great. Val’s life seems to be falling apart between the damage from the hurricane to her husband’s deceit. Inspired, she finds herself writing a novel based in Iceland. What will happen when her present and past collide? Strong characters that are connectable. I highly recommend this book
- Past Storm and Fire by Christy Nicholas ​is original and engaging and the author wove real life into fantasy as she wrote this story. It is a quick and fluid read that was intriguing and definitely takes you on a journey to remember. The fantasy, the mystery and the past and present collide. Captivating and refreshing is how I would describe this tale that shows a woman who is unsure of her marriage who finds herself immersed in a world that is not known if it is real or not.
- Another fantastic book from Nicholas! She is a master storyteller and few can match her ability to create new worlds that leave you breathless with their newness yet they are still relatable. I loved this book from start to finish and found myself transported once again to the world created. Fantastic book.